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Parent Involvement Program (PIP)

" I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do." John 13:15

Dear St. John's Parents,

St. John the Baptist Catholic School is a wonderful place for our children to grow academically, socially and spiritually.  Parent involvement and participation not only allows you to show your support for our school, but has also become necessary to help keep tuition low along with expanding many of the academic and extracurricular programs available to our children.  Our new Parent Involvement Program (PIP) is an excellent way for you to share your time and talents with our school community.


For the school year we are asking each family to donate time equivalent to ten volunteer service points which can be earned from June 1, 2022 - May 30, 2023.  This requirement is per family, not per student, and can be achieved through the efforts of multiple family members (parents, children fifth grade and older, 18+ years of age older siblings, grandparents, etc...)  Adults who volunteer on a regular basis are required to complete the Child Protection Policy classes as mandated by the Belleville Diocese.  Child Protection courses are informative for all parents and mandatory for volunteers interacting with children on a regular basis, i.e. more than one hour per month without direct employee supervision.  These classes are held at local parishes throughout the year.  Visit db.aspx for the updated schedule and the easy online refresher course.

These volunteer opportunities are just the beginning of the many ways we will have over the year for you to accumulate your service points.  Throughout the school year more opportunities will be shared in News & Notes and posted on the school web page.

The attached list is here to help you decide how you want to spend your volunteer time.  Your level of involvement with each activity can vary.  You may fulfill your obligation on one event, helping from start to finish, or you may choose to spread out your time helping with various activities throughout the school year.  Please click on the link attached to fill out the PIP volunteer pledge form so the volunteer coordinator can connect you with the correct leaders for your activity.  Once you have completed your service hours, please fill out the PIP Points Logging Form to submit your hours.  Families have the opportunity to earn $50.00 tuition credit (maximum $100.00) for every ten hours completed.


As you complete your PIP hours we hope you see that St. John's is more than just a school.  It is a community of caring families who continue to work together to create an excellent educational environment for our children.  We look forward to sharing this new adventure with you.


If you have any questions regarding these policies, procedures or your own volunteer service please contact us.  Thanks again for your time and we wish you a wonderful "volunteer career" at St. John the Baptist Catholic School.


  Mrs. Sarah Lanham                           Mrs. Jan Dudkowski                                  Mrs. Mary Alvarez                  

       Principal                                                 Secretary                                       Director of Volunteers

Submit PIP Hours

If you'd like to submit your Parent Involvement Program (PIP) Pledges online, please use the form found below.

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