PTF Meets on the Third Monday of Each Month!
PTF meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 PM.
Bring your kids! Alumni and upper grade students offer FREE babysitting at this time!
President: Andrea Dehler
Vice President: Amy Truttmann
Secretary: NONE (Contact us if you are interested)
Treasurer: Stephanie Diekempe
St. John the Baptist PTF Club
The goal of the PTF is to support the school with tuition and academic needs. In order to meet this goal, the PTF sponsors the Dinner Auction among other fundraisers.
At Christmas, the PTF helps sponsor a Santa's Kottage. Children can purchase inexpensive Christmas presents for the entire family.
​The PTF has supported the school in the following ways:
The PTF has helped to pay teacher salaries.
The PTF has purchased maps, books, and other academic support materials.
The PTF does various maintenance work during the summer.
The PTF plans to continue to grow and support St. John's. It is a vital part of your child's Catholic education. Your help and support is very much appreciated.